Information Systems Beyond 2020
The third conference poster I made is for the 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2019).
Every year for 28 years different countries took turn in hosting the conference. The 28th of august 2019, and for 3 days, the conference took place in ISEN Toulon, France and was titled Information Systems Beyond 2020.
We invited researchers from around the world to present their work about the impact of technologies and information in our future daily lives.
Elements and Placements

The poster was not that hard to make, it relied on simple technic and design process but the main difficulty of it was the fact that we had only one shot. The poster is 200x80cm with 300ppi and cost about 80€ to make. Therefore, we decided to play it safe with simple images and round cutouts. The problem with working with such a big display is that the images needed to be as wide and sharp as possible. We only searched for images higher than 6000x6000px to avoid as much pixelation as possible.
The background is made from a PCB schematic, refering to technology and electronics, with the addition of the ISEN Yncrea Méditerranée and Association For Information Systems.
For the first image representing Society, Trust and Ethics in ISD we chose a robot holding a scale, representing justice in the hands of technology. The scale itself is virtual, showing the nature of justice has changed and adapted to our current era.
The second picture illustrates Exploring New Media in ISD, so we chose this picture showing a VR Headset with nebula inside. The nebula and the stars in the background represent the vastness offered by such a technology and the fact that the nebula is leaking from the headset shows that the border between the real and the virtual worlds is blurry and both worlds are merging.
The third image shows a student learning anatomy from a tablet in a library and represents the topic Information Systems Methodologies and Education. The student is in a library but ignores the books in favor of the tablet, showing the evolution of education.
The penultimate picture illustrates the theme Managing ISD, hence the control panel and the screens, showing the constant manipulation, surveillance and broadcasting of information.
Finally, the last theme includes all the Current Topics in ISD, all our current problematics regarding privacy, accessibility, and so on. Therefore, I used a globe with screens, showing what is happening in real time around the world.
During the making of this poster I was always afraid to mess up the margin, the pixelation, whether or not the text will be visible from a distance but still fit, and so on. We had to work on little screens so trying to visualize the way it will look felt imprecise.
Eventhough the poster is not interesting design-wise, I am very proud of the way it looked in real life, the colors were attractive, the size of the text was optimal and every element was sharp. I even got compliments from several participants and some even took pictures in front of it.